Senin, 20 Juni 2011

examples of nursing care ethics violation

INTRODUCTION Nursing is a form of care shown to the lives of others, both on individuals, families or communities. Thus all aspects of nursing have ethical components. The nursing care is also part of health care so that health issues are also a problem of ethics nursing ethics. Today, issues related to ethics has become a major problem, besides the legal issues, both for patients, society and health care providers. Ethical issues become increasingly complex due to the advances of medical science or technology that could dramatically to maintain or extend human life. when life changes of social values ​​and knowledge society, causing people to a better understanding of rights - individual rights, freedoms and responsibilities in protecting the rights owned. From these various factors parawat facing various pomegranate, pomegranate every need answers. That requires ethics in making decisions on an action, so that actions taken can be responsible and accountable. To the authors try to explain about one thing related to the values ​​- moral values ​​in ethical aspects of client relationships with nurses, nurses with other professions in the nursing service. The purpose of this writer that the writer can: 1. Getting a real experience to be able to apply / take a moral stance toward ethical issues in nursing service 2. Apply the value - the value of moral ethics in care services 3. Apply the ethical aspects and relationships of other nurses, nurses with other professions 4. Apply a dab of accountability responsibilities tabggung 5. Shows the attitude to do the mall practices and omissions in providing nursing services 6. Resolving ethical pomegranate through decision-making issues - ethical issues in nursing

CHAPTER I CASE REVIEW Nursing Ethics violations Guiding At Drinking Drugs
In a hospital ward in the city of P J where the authors work at the beginning of 1993 a violation of nursing ethics. Conditions present in the hospital is indeed the number of nurses and patients are not comparable, it was the number of nurses in each room 2 to 3 and still graduate or SPKC SPK. Other nursing personnel drawn from elementary and junior high school graduates. While the number of patients per room between 30 to 60 patients. Each afternoon or evening shift watch 1 or 2 nurses are also events of this case began when a friend gave me the initials Y and guided oral medication during the afternoon watch, there was one patient who often cheat when taking the drug by way of pretending - pretending taking medication and otherwise dispose of or caught nurse brings back the drugs and then put the drug in his pocket, the patient named D. when giving the drug in patients with Y D nurse is ordered that the medicine be taken not discarded. Patients also said "Yes sir". While giving the drug in other patient care remains memperhatiakan Y D patients, until at some point D back to the nurse's patient Y and then wiped his mouth. Seeing the incident parawat Y and interesting shirt call the patient and then check the patient's pocket turned out true that there are some pills in the pocket. Y nurses saw the incident in cash shout and scold the patient, not only that the nurse penampar patient's mouth several times until finally the patient D says "pardon sir"! then the patient is taking back disuruhlah obetnya and advised not to repeat his actions. CHAPTER II REVIEW REFERENCES 1. Nursing Code of Ethics
Indonesian nursing code of ethics consists of four chapters and 16 articles. Chapter 1 comprises four chapters describes the responsibilities of nurses on individuals, families and communities. Chapter II consists of five chapters explain the responsibilities of nurses on duty. Chapter III consists of two chapters explain the responsibilities of nurses to fellow nurses and other fellow professionals. Chapter IV consists of four chapters describes the responsibilities of nurses towards the nursing profession. Chapter V consists of two chapters explain the responsibilities of nurses in the government, bangsadan homeland. a. The responsibility of nurses to clients 1. Nurses in carrying out his service, always guided by the responsibility that comes from the need to care of individuals, families and communities 2. Nurses in implementing the service in the field of nursing, nurturing atmosphere that respects the value - the value of cultural mores dah religious survival of individuals, families and communities 3. Nurses in implementing kewajibanya tehadap individual families and society is always based on a sense of sincerity in accordance with the dignity and noble tradition of nursing 4. Nurses working relationships with individuals, families and communities, especially in taking the initiative and organized effort apaya health and welfare in general as part of the duties and obligations to the interests of society
b. The responsibility of nurses to the task 1. Nurses maintain the high quality of service keperawatn accompanied by a professional in applying the knowledge and skills keperawatn tailored to individual needs, family and community 2. Nurses must keep secret everything he knows sehunbunagn with the task entrusted to him, except if required by the party berwenana accordance with the provisions of the law in force 3. Nurses will not use the knowledge and skills of nursing held for purposes contrary to the norm - the norm of humanitarian 4. Nurses in performing their duties and kewajibanya always trying consciously to be unaffected by the consideration, nationality, ethnicity, skin color, age, gender, political orientation, religion, and social standing 5. Nurses mengutamakn protection and safety of patients (clients) in melaksanakn duty nursing, as well as mature in considering the ability to accept or change if the assign responsibility that has to do with nursing c. The responsibility of nurses to peer 1. Nurses maintain good relationships among nurses and other health personnel, both in maintaining harmony in the workplace atmosphere as well as in achieving the goals of overall health care 2. Nurses disseminate knowledge, skills and experience to fellow nurses, as well as receive the knowledge and experience of the profession in order to increase capacity in nursing
d. The responsibility of nurses to the profession 1. Nurses working to improve their professional ability to own - alone or together - the same as the way to add knowledge, skills and experiences that are beneficial to the development of nursing 2. Nurses uphold the good name of the nursing profession by demonstrating the behavior and nature - the personal nature of the sublime 3. Nurses play a role in determining the standardization of education and nursing services, and apply them in service activities and nursing education 4. Nurses are together - together to build and maintain the quality of nursing professional organizations as a means of devotion e. The responsibility of nurses to the State 1. Nurses carry out the provisions - provisions as the policy outlined by the government, in health and nursing 2. Nurses actively participate in developing the mind to the government in improving health care and nursing
II. Right - Patient rights According to the Nation League For Nursing (1997) rights - the right patient is 1. The right to obtain care according to professional standards regardless of the order of the existing health 2. The right to be treated with courtesy and friendliness of the nurse in charge regardless of race, color, degree in society, gender, nationality, etc. 3. Right to obtain information tentana disease diagnosis, prognosis and treatment including alternative pengibatan possible risks to patients and families provide medical approval will be done about it 4. Legal right to participate in making decisions about care will be given to him keperawatanyang 5. Right to refuse observation of the health team that is not directly involved in health care 6. The right to have privacy during the interview, medical examination and treatment 7. Privacy rights have to communicate and receive visits from people - people who agreed 8. Right to refuse treatment to pcatisipasi in research and experiments conducted without judicial guarantees in the event of adverse impacts 9. The right to receive education / proper instructions from health professionals to improve knowledge about basic health needs in an optimal 10. The right to health care coordination and sustainable 11. Rights of the confidentiality of documents and komunukasi results both orally and in writing given to health workers except for legal purposes

III. Rights - the rights to physical and mental disabilities 1. Pendapatkan appreciation rights and dignity as human beings so that they can enjoy life to the fullest and best possible 2. Political rights as a resident and according to the willingness and ability 3. Right to predefined actions so that they can be confident 4. The right to obtain medical, psychological, functional such as prosthesis, rehabilitation, social, and economic, education and so on 5. The right to obtain social and economic welfare at the level of a decent life 6. Right to the specific needs that must be considered in all levels of either social or economic beliefs 7. The right to live with family or parents 8. Right to the protection of rights - rights relating to discrimination or abusive actions of others IV. Rights and Obligations of Nurses a. The right nurse 1. Nurses are entitled to legal protection in carrying out their duties in accordance with the profession 2. Nurses have the right to develop themselves through the ability to specialize according to their educational background 3. Nurses have the right to reject the wishes of patients who bertentanggan with regulations - regulations, standards and code of ethics 4. Nurses have the right to obtain complete information from the patient or family about health complaints and dissatisfaction with health services provided 5. Nurse entitled to increase the knowledge based on science and technology in the field of nursing and hold - again 6. Nurses are entitled to be treated fairly and honestly from the institution of service / client 7. Nurses are entitled to insurance protection against the risk of work that may cause physical or emotional harm 8. Nurses are entitled to include in the preparation and adoption of health care policy 9. Nurses have the right to privacy and the right to sue if his good name in cemarkan by patients 10. Nurse entitled to reject the move to where another task either through recommendation or other written notice, as required to perform actions contrary to professional standards or code of ethics or other rules 11. Nurses are entitled to an award of just compensation and professional services rendered under the agreement applicable in the relevant service institutions 12. Nurses are entitled to the opportunity to develop careers in accordance with the field prifesinya b. Liability Nurse 1. Nurses must comply with the relevant institutions 2. Nurses are entitled to care or nursing care according to professional standards and limits - the limits of their role 3. Nurses must respect the rights - the rights of patients 4. The nurse must refer patients to nurses or other health professionals who have the expertise and capabilities that better when concerned can not resolve sediri 5. Nurses must provide opportunities for clients / patients to get in touch with his family as long as not contrary to the regulations and professional standards that exist 6. Nurses must provide the opportunity for patients to perform worship according to religion and kepercayaanya 7. Nurses must collaborate with medical personnel or other related health professionals in providing health services to pasie4n 8. Nurses are required to provide accurate information about nursing actions that are given to patients within the limits of his ability 9. Nurses must make nursing documentation accurately and continuously 10. Nurses are required to improve the quality of nursing services 11. The nurse must make the documentation of nursing care according to professional standards of nursing for patient satisfaction 12. Nurses are obliged to follow the development of nursing or health science and technology are constantly 13. Nurses must keep secret everything he knows about the client, except for questioning by authorities 14. Nurses must meet it - it has been agreed or the agreement that has been made before the institution of the workplace
V. Nurse Relationships with Patients Basic nurse relationships with clients is a mutually beneficial relationship. A good relationship between nurses and patients will occur if 1. There is mutual trust between patients with patients 2. Nurses really - really understand about rights - the rights of patients and must protect those rights, one of which is the right to maintain the privacy of clients 3. Nurses should be sensitive to changes - changes that occur in patients who are due to personal illness 4. Nurses must understand the existence of patients or clients so that they can be patient and taking into account ethical and moral considerations 5. Bertanggunga can be responsible and accountable for any risks that may arise during patient care 6. Nurses as much as possible to avoid conflicts between values ​​- personal values ​​with the values ​​- personal values ​​of patients in a way fostering good relationships between patients, families and colleagues as well as physicians for the benefit of patients
VI. Professional Nurses Professional Berartitampilan professional nursing profession as a whole in performing nursing activities based on the knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate professional code of ethics nursing 1. The role as executor, nurses act as a. Giving a sense of comfort (comforter) which seeks to provide information and comfort to the patient b. protection (proteclor) san defenders (ascokad) which seeks to protect the interests san pasiwn in order to use the right - right as optimal as possible c. communicators play a role in giving explanations to communicate to the patient in an effort to improve health d. mediators that provide convenience to patients to tell their complaint to the health team and to his family in order to help smooth the implementation of nursing care e. Rehabilitator who served to restore confidence in himself, either during hospitalization or after discharge to home and were well received by families and the community where he lived 2. Role as educators and trainers Namely providing information to patients, families and communities that exist in the scope of its responsibilities regarding health and nursing needs

3. Role as manager Which can manage the nursing care within the scope of responsibilities including making records and reports patient 4. Role as researcher Ie identifying research problems, applying principles - principles and research approaches to improve the quality of nursing care

Values ​​and attitudes that is needed by nurses a. The value that is needed by nurses 1. Honesty 2. Gentle 3. The accuracy of each action 4. Respecting other oaring b. The attitude of a nurse 1. Giving examples, example or role model 2. Persuade or convince 3. Mangajarkan through culture 4. Options limited 5. Establish rules through legislation 6. Consider the conscience
Law - Law of the Republic of Indonesia in 1992 challenged Nomoa 23 Article 53 Health 1. Health workers are entitled to legal protection in carrying out duties in accordance with the profession 2. Health personnel in performing their duties are obliged to adhere to professional standards and respect for patients' rights 3. Health workers, for the purposes of proof can perform medical acts rehadap someone sting attention to health and safety is concerned 4. Terms of professional standards and recognize the rights - the rights of patients as referred to in paragraph 2 stipulated by government regulation

CHAPTER III Discussion of Case Analysis
In this chapter the authors attempt to peel the problems and gaps between the cases in chapter 1 with the theory - the theory related in chapter 2. As for the violations or irregularities committed by nurses in carrying out their duties, among others. 1. Nursing code of ethics violations listed in a. Chapter 1 Article 4 Diman nurses are unable or less able to collaborate with patients, nurses should not need to be angry - angry and slapped the patient's mouth but the nurse should be able to take care of patients so that patients feel the need and believe that he needs to take medication

b. Chapter IV, article 2 Nurses are not high menjunjunhg profession a good name for a nurse should be meek and polite and patient. But the nurse was even violent behavior in patients. 2. Violations of Rights - Patients Rights Although the patient was psychotic nurse should continue to provide services in accordance with professional standards and courtesy memperlakukanya medication guide is accompanied by anger - anger is clearly not standard care professions 3. Nurses neglected his duty to: 1. Providing care or nursing care according to professional standards 2. Respecting the rights - the rights of patients 4. In the above case clearly shows no professional caregivers. As the roles of nurses should be able to act as a giver of comfort (comforter) and protector (protector), ill-treat the patient's clearly not going to give comfort to the patient, although patients with psychiatric disorders. 5. Nurses do not reflect the value of a nurse-niai is gentle and respect for others should nurses drug guide by persuading or convincing that the drug is necessary for him to approach and act meek. 6. Violation of Health Act 1992, Article 53 Paragraph 2 is The nurse did not comply with professional standards and respect the rights of patients

Nursing profession is a profession that is very vulnerable to acts of negligence, breach of ethics and morals. For that as a nurse is not enough merely armed with the skills but must need to understand, the moral ethics of nursing, nursing code of ethics, patients' rights, responsibilities of nurses, nurse duties, values ​​and health legislation is achieved so that what we desire -desire to be a professional nurse who coveted all the nurses and the public as users of nursing services.


Priharjo Robert. Introduction to Nursing Ethics. Publisher Canisius. Yogyakarta, 2006
Ismani Nila, SKM. Nursing Ethics. Widya Medical Publishers. Jakarta, 2001
Jumadi Gaffar La Ode, SKP. Introduction to Professional Nursing
Book Medical Publishers ECG Jakarta
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 1992 on Health, Publisher Arkalola, Surabaya

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