Minggu, 29 Mei 2011


1. EATING BABY AGE 0-12 MONTHSThings need to dipehatikan:a. Baby food must be able to fulfill the purpose of the food that is:- To grow flowers- To meet the psychological needs- Needs educative / education to train good eating habitsb. The introduction of complementary feeding is done gradually and gradually. Give your baby foods little by little from kebentuk gradually dilute form a more condensedc. New foods are introduced one by one for well-receivedd. The sequence complementary feeding: Fruits, starchy, vegetables, meat. Source of animal protein such as egg yolks given final (age 6 months)e. Notice the personal and environmental hygiene (eating utensils and drinking)f. Involve the role of fathers and other family members.
Babies need nutrients to grow and develop well, since the 4-month-old fetus, was born, until one year of age (critical period). Brain development will be optimal when nutritional needs are met both in terms of quality or quantity.For babies 0-4 months do not need other foods, except milk (exclusive breastfeeding). At that time the baby's digestive tract is still sensitive, so the only milk that can be digested and absorbed by the intestine.
FOOD creamedA. Babies aged 4-6 months had to be given mashed food like milk porridge. Self-made by mixing rice flour / green bean / meisena with milk ready-made (artificial plant)B. Babies can be given fresh fruit or fruit juice smoothed. Eg banana, papaya orange juice, tomato.C. ASI also continue to be given at will baby
FOOD LEMBIKa. Babies aged 6-9 months of starting to be introduced with the food in the form of Tim lembik strain.b. Filter can be created his own team consisting of ingredients as follows: staple food (rice) 20 gr, dishes of animal origin (meat chickens) 25 gr, vegetable side dishes (tofu) 20 gr, vegetables (carrots spinach) 25 g, water 3 - 4 cups.c. Breastfed infants continue to be given at will.
SOFT FOODa. Infants aged 9-12 were given soft food builan rice porridge complete or complete without a screened team again. Babies should not be given foods that contain too much oil, or butter nargarin because they contain fat will aggravate the digestive work.b. Tim Rice is a complete baby food nutrition, food as a pioneer for a complete or squeezing rice the staple food dishes and side dishes for adults.c. Breastfed infants continue to be given at will.
HOW TO ASSESS RESPONSE TO BABY FOODA. Short-term Responsea. Liked or not. Children seemed satisfied and pleasedb. Tolerance. Suitable for the gastrointestinal tract if not cause gastrointestinal disturbances, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea.c. Side effects. Food is not suitable if the cause allergy symptoms, asthma, eczema, urticariaB. Long-term Responsea. The physical condition of children active, lively, cheerful, bright, not pale, not weak.b. In anthropometry. Increased age increases the size of weight, height and head circumference

How do I rate a modest weight gain seceraAge Weight gainFirst 3 months of 1 kg / month½ Kg per month 4-6 months7-12 months BBL + (age (months) x 500 gr12 months 3 x BBL2 years 4 X BBL
Schedule settings in the daily foodAge (months) Type of food a day Clock FrequencyLiking babies 0-4ASI 4-6FruitMilk Porridge at will baby2 x2 x10:00 and 15:008:00 and 18:00ASI 6-9FruitMilk PorridgeThe team at will strain the baby2 x1 x2 x10:00 and 15:0008:001:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.9-12 ASIFruitTeamBaby milk porridge at will2 x2 x1 x10:00 and 15:0013:00 and 18:0008:00

1. Why do children need to eatIn order for children to grow healthy and develop optimally, it needs a balanced nutritious diet that provides for:a. Provide energy for growth processb. Maintain body resistance against various infectious and deficiency diseasesc. Building supplies nutrients needed for growth processes during puberty and later adulthood.2. How big is their nutritional adequacyWithin a day, a child needs adequate nutrition followinga. Age 1-3 yearsAdequacy of children aged 1-3 years per day in food ingredients are:Type Weight (g) URT (household sizeRiceMeatEggsTempeGreen beansFruitVegetableGranulated sugarOilMilk powder 10050502510200200251020 1 ½ cups cooked rice1 pm is1 point1 pm was1 to eat2 bananas2 cups2 ½ sd eat1 to eat4 to eat
Nutritional valueEnergy 1259 kcalProtein 23 grams34 grams fat212.5 grams of carbohydratesAt the age of 1-3 years old children are more passive consumers. Child's diet depends on what the parents provided

b. Age 4-6 yearsNutritional adequacy of children 4-6 years old per day in food ingredientsType Weight (g) URT (household sizeRiceMeatEggsTempeGreen beansFruitVegetableGranulated sugarOilMilk powder 15050505010200200251020 1 2 / 3 cups cooked rice1 pm is1 point2 pm is1 to eat2 bananas2 cups2 ½ sd eat1 to eat4 to eat

Nutritional ValueEnergy 1750 kcalProtein 32 grams49 grams fatCarbohydrate 293 grams
At the age of 4-6 years old children are more active consumers. They have to choose foods that are preferred. Involve them to choose foods that are preferred. Involve them to choose a menu that will be consumed
3. The things that must be considered in meeting the nutritional adequacy of childrena. Give food that can be chewed and swallowed well by children.b. Make a habit of eating foods derived from dry seeds containing much iron (especially for children aged 1-3 years)c. Provide a wide range of vegetables and fruits to meet their needs for vitamins and minerals.d. Serve food in the form of interest to childrene. Note the equipment used to eat and drink kidsf. Do not force children to spend the food servedg. Always provide a healthy and nutritious food at home balancedh. Biasankan breakfast in the morning to prevent hypoglycemia (hunger, fatigue and less vibranti. Teach children to be able to select and consume foods that are nutritionally balanced since didi, so that it becomes a habit into adulthood.4. Instill healthy habits to maintain hygiene and sanitation of children through:a. Teach your child to brush their teeth after meals and before bed to maintain healthy teethb. Teach children to wash hands with soap dnegan sebelumdan after mealsc. Instill the habit cut your nails and toes of children once a week
Kebuthan energy and nutrients in children aged sekolaj increasing. They require a lot of energy to perform various physical activities. If food needs are not fulfilled, will cause the body lacks the necessary nutrients. This can affect their achievement in school and the growth and development into adulthood.1. That must be considereda. Custom child to school is actively choose foods that are preferred. Involve them in preparing the family menu, and cultivate habits of eating together to teach the importance of balanced nutrition.b. Note the child eats the food of the day, including snacks purchased at school or outside schoolc. Familiarize Breakfast for preventing child lethargic and sleepy at schoold. Provide physical activity in children regularly to the balance between nutrient inputs and expenditures.e. Invite a child occasionally eating a picnic to increase appetitef. Bring food for the school as a snackg. Instill healthy habits to maintain hygiene and sanitation of children, eg, brush teeth, cut nails, washing hands, etc.

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